Street Art Works

This is a sample of works that were created by artists who work with Street Art Works and works that were created under the projects commission.

The Artists

2018 images courtesy of Fred Monk, visit his page here

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North Railway Tunnel Vision

Will Oskam and Josh Creighton

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South Railway Tunnel Vision

Fasm (Aaron Vickery), Fasm1 (Jeff Goring), Will Oskam


Pop Up Park

& Memorial piece for Jordan Pede

Will Oskam


“The man on the moon taking kids to dreamland”

Olie Larsen and Jenn Lewry. The Lucky Squid

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“The wizard’s eye”

Spence Pleskie - Assinaboia Inn

“Making the best of every opportunity” Sonz1 (Jeff Goring)Assinaboia Inn

“Making the best of every opportunity” Sonz1 (Jeff Goring)

Assinaboia Inn

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Sonz1 (Jeff Goring), Amanda Dawn, Destity Burkart - The Heartwood Cafe

The Medicine Man - Tunnel vision

multiple artists